About Us


We are a licensed Real Estate agency , a Financial advisory and an Engineering and Business consultancy firm operating in Singapore.

We handle sales and rental of commercial , public housing and private residential properties. Our consultants will be glad to review your portfolio if you have any queries regarding your assets in real estate.

Our financial consultants have assisted various organisations with their funding requirements for growth and expansion. Their prudent strategies have provided valuable insights to their financial arrangements.

Business consultants will study your start up plans for long term success with regards to practicality and overall growth and expansion requirements and fine tune it for viability.

With experts in the various fields we would like to hear your concerns and offer you a revolutionary way of looking at things on your plate.

ConnectWith us

If you are looking into real estate then drop a line to

who would be able to help you .

If you like to chat with us about a new business or managing an existing one then call us at

Tel : (065) 6525 9495


Mailing Address : 

900 South Woodlands Drive 


 Singapore 730900

 Tel           : 65259495

 Fax         : 62194702

 email     :

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